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Carbon Trust neutral fulfilment

Packaging & Design Solutions

Intelligent Design For Your Brand

Packaging and design have a vital role to play in the cost of shipping, the vulnerability of your product in transit, and the unboxing experience you are able to offer your customers. As a 3PL partner, we are able to create intelligent design for brands ensuring that products ship cost-effectively, arrive safely, and delight the customer.

Design & Packaging Expertise

Prolog Fulfilment is constantly innovating to meet the changing needs of our ecommerce customers. Right now, design and packaging are key to that evolution. For Prolog, design is more than just the look and feel of an item, it’s a vital part of our supply chain management.

Prolog’s value-add packaging & design solutions include:

  • Improved product protection
  • Eco-friendly materials
  • Returns-ready packaging
  • Optimised packaging for transit
  • Packaging designed for operational efficiency
  • Kerbside recyclable materials
  • Improved cost per unit efficiency
  • Reduction of packaging waste

Sustainable, Ethical, Recyclable Packaging

Prolog recognises that there is both an economic and an environmental cost to each piece of packaging we use. Working together we can substantially reduce the collective impact we have on our planet and its fragile eco-systems:

carbon trust logo
Expert Design Solutions

Prolog Understands Supply Chain Touchpoints

Our journey as a UK fulfilment provider is intricately linked with the business goals of our clients. That’s why we’re able to partner effectively on design & packaging solutions, whatever stage you may be at in your journey. Whether you’re looking to improve your profits, reduce damage and returns, or work more sustainably as a business, Prolog has the experience to support you.

Packaging & Design Solutions FAQs

Order fulfilment covers everything from ‘goods in’ to the processing and shipping of orders. Packaging plays an important role from start to finish. Optimising your packaging may save your business money, improve productivity, reduce the potential for damaged items in transit, and improve the look of your product and strengthen your branding.

Optimised packaging allows you to continue to deliver on your brand’s values, whilst potentially reducing your costs. Our design experts look at:

  • Packaging Materials. Changing the packaging materials you use can make a saving for your business. We can advise on switching to materials that offer the same performance, at a lower price tag.
  • Packaging Products. Packing sports shirts in a box may have seemed like a good idea at one time, but there’s nothing to stop you switching to a more flexible mailer bag that’s easy to store, and cheaper to ship.
  • Weight Reduction. How much weight is your packaging adding? Optimised packaging looks at ways that the weight can be reduced without a reduction to protective layers, or the enjoyment of the unboxing experience.
  • Custom Dimensions. Standard packaging approximates, custom packaging is precise. This allows to you remove empty space around your item, minimise the space your item takes up, and maximise efficiency when shipping.

As a business, Prolog is actively reducing its carbon footprint. We have been awarded Carbon Neutral status as a result of our efforts to date, and now we’re actively working towards Net Zero.

We have undertaken to minimise our use of plastic packaging, wherever a sustainable alternative is available. Currently we have been able to replace the following types of packaging with eco-friendly substitutes:

  • Air Pillows
  • Bubble-lined mailing bags
  • Grey mailing bags
  • Plastic tape replaced by paper tape
  • Bubble wrap replaced by paper alternative
  • Black stretch wrap alternative

Prolog is also committed to cutting down on waste in the packaging process. We are using intelligent design to minimise the creation of waste as part of the design process.

This refers to the packaging guidelines offered by large operations such as Amazon that regulates the size of a package, its appearance, and the way an item is protected in transit.

Yes. Prolog offers a customised picking and packing service which optimises the potential for including promotional material, personalised notes to customers, or other enhancements to the unboxing experience.

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